Андрей Смирнов
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IPTV телевидение от edem.tv

Сайт https://edem.tv предлагает услугу по просмотру Интернет телевидения IPTV в количестве более 200 каналов. Скорость Интернета должна быть 1 Мб/с и выше. Цена за просмотр всего 1$ в месяц. Работает одновременно шесть серверов для обеспечения непрерывного и качественного просмотра.

Смотреть IPTV телевидение возможно с помощью компьютера, планшета, телевизоров SMART Samsung или LG, а также спутниковых ресиверов GI S 8120, AMIKO SHD-8900, U2C S+ Maxi HD, Openbox и других на операционной системе Spark или Enigma 2. Также это получится на ресиверах, где есть открытый Linux, чтобы была возможность загрузить плейлист IPTV.

В списке телевизионных каналов доступных к просмотру — спортивные, детские, фильмовые, развлекательные каналы, для взрослых, а также HD каналы, которые передаются в формате высокой четкости с разрешением 1980×1024.

Для спутникового ресивера на операционной системе «SPARK» плейлист вначале нужно подготовить. Для этого скачиваем «Генератор webtv_usr.xml», который находится в таблице внизу на этой странице. Затем с сайта https://edem.tv скачиваем файл в формате «edem_pl.m3u8».

Далее открываем данный файл текстовым редактором Блокнот или Notepad++ и полностью копируем текст который там содержится. Затем в окно «Генератора webtv_usr.xml», который представляет собой веб страницу со скриптами, вставляем текст, который скопировали, и в левом верхнем углу нажимаем на кнопку «Генерировать».

В итоге получаем готовый плейлист, который понимает Spark ресивер. Затем выделяем текст и копируем его обратно в этот же плейлист, который был скачан ранее под названием edem_pl.m3u8, обязательно сохраняем изменения и переименовываем его на «webtv_usr.xml».

Также плейлист можно подготовить самостоятельно, скачав пример webtv_usr.xml, открыть его редактором Notepad++ и вместо «key», подставить свой ключ доступа, полученный вами при регистрации на сайте edem.tv. Сделать это быстро можно при помощи кнопок «Найти» и «Заменить».

В спутниковый ресивер на операционной системе «SPARK» плейлист можно загрузить с помощью USB флешки. Для этого необходимо скопировать его на флешку. Затем вставить флешку в ресивер и в разделе Меню-> Интернет-> Web ТВ нажать кнопку «FOLDER» на пульте ДУ «Загрузка xml файлов». Кнопка обозначается как папка над клавишами навигации пульта ДУ.

Если спутниковый ресивер на Enigma 2 скачиваем плейлист для «Enigma2 HLS». Затем необходимо подключиться к ресиверу с помощью компьютера по сети, используя программу CuteFTP и закинуть плейлист в папку /var/etc/enigma2. Далее перезагрузить спутниковый ресивер. После этого список IPTV появится в фаворитах через кнопку «ОК» и «синяя кнопка»

Все вопросы можно задать на форуме edem.tv, в который нужно входить под тем же логином и паролем, который вы получили при регистрации на сайте.

Оплатить услугу за 1 месяц просмотра можно банковским переводом или на кошелек в системе WebMoney.

Генератор webtv_usr.xml Генератор для создания плейлиста в ресиверы SPARK webtv_usr.xml СКАЧАТЬ
Пример webtv_usr.xml Пример плейлиста, в котором нужно вставить ваш ключ доступа, полученный при регистрации СКАЧАТЬ
Notepad++ Текстовый редактор для самостоятельной подготовки плейлиста в ресиверы SPARK webtv_usr.xml СКАЧАТЬ


  • like5.7M


    Kenapa aku nikah sama dia?
    Padahal aku ini hater-nya!

  • like22M


    Hidup Ran yang kesepian jadi lebih berwarna akibat kehadiran Eggy. Cowok ganteng ini keluar dari telur misterius yang muncul di kamar Ran. Tetapi… Eggy tingkahnya seperti anak ayam yang baru menetas! Kira-kira dari mana asalnya ya?

  • like5.4M


    Katanya perempuan ini bisa menumbuhkan tanaman secera ajaib!

  • like1.8M



    Medeia sangat menyukai Raja,
    tapi raja malah berpaling ke Pysche dan menjauhi Medeia.

    Saat mereka tidak sengaja masuk ke dalam kolam dan tenggelam,
    jiwa mereka justru tertukar!

  • like251,985


    Tips & Trik untuk mengikuti Webtoon Contest «Mencuri Hati»!
    Dari kami, para editor dan ToonToonMan!

  • like9.3M


    Kehidupan Jaka yang penuh dengan kesenangan tiba-tiba berubah ketika perusahaan Ayahnya mengalami kebangkrutan. Di tengah keterpurukan, Jaka bertemu dengan 7 bidadari dari khayangan. Akankah Jaka mendapatkan keajaiban yang bisa mengubah kehidupannya seperti semula?

  • like3M


    Perkelahian demi menjaga study group

  • Zona Maya

    Merasa terkurung ketika mencari tempat bernaung, mampukah Maya bertahan saat orang yang paling ia hindari kembali lagi di hidupnya?



    Zona Maya


    Merasa terkurung ketika mencari tempat bernaung, mampukah Maya bertahan saat orang yang paling ia hindari kembali lagi di hidupnya?

  • Omniscient Reader



    Omniscient Reader


    «Jalan cerita ini… hanya aku yang tahu!»
    Dunia baru akan datang, maka dunia yang lama harus hancur. Apakah dia bisa menyelamatkan diri dari kehancuran dunia yang lama?!

Webtoon Baru

  • like180,403



    Tercium bau busuk dari rumah di lantai bawah sejak kemarin. Setelah itu, temanku tiba-tiba hilang. Penghuni rumah itu juga ikut hilang… selanjutnya siapa lagi?

  • like138,940



    Walaupun dunia ini penuh dengan realita yang kejam dan melelahkan…
    Yang paling penting adalah kita masih memiliki satu sama lain.
    Asalkan bersamamu, di tempat yang gelap pun aku merasa seperti cahaya yang paling terang!

  • like47,699



    Ini kisah tentang cowok ganteng yang kegantengannya hanya bisa dilihat dengan mata batin. Meski demikian, Muros tetap tabah dan berbakat!

  • Karen suka membulli teman-temannya dan selalu ingin jadi yang terbaik. Sikapnya itu membuat Hersa yang selalu percaya kalau dia akan berubah, akhirnya tidak tahan dan putus dengannya. Penyesalan ini membuat Karen tidak bisa move on, hingga suatu hari dia mendapat kesempatan kedua dan mengulang waktu ke masa lalu?!




    Karen suka membulli teman-temannya dan selalu ingin jadi yang terbaik. Sikapnya itu membuat Hersa yang selalu percaya kalau dia akan berubah, akhirnya tidak tahan dan putus dengannya. Penyesalan ini membuat Karen tidak bisa move on, hingga suatu hari dia mendapat kesempatan kedua dan mengulang waktu ke masa lalu?!

  • like203,661



    «Jalan cerita ini… hanya aku yang tahu!»
    Dunia baru akan datang, maka dunia yang lama harus hancur. Apakah dia bisa menyelamatkan diri dari kehancuran dunia yang lama?!

  • like142,588



    Setelah 3 tahun bekerja, akhirnya ada karyawan baru!
    Tapi, ternyata dia adalah cucu kandung presiden direktur..?!

  • like269,129



    Rion selama ini berpikir hidupnya akan biasa saja, tapi kedatangan siswi baru, Bell, menghancurkan segalanya.
    Hanya dengan tatapan mata Bell, dia bisa membuat orang yang menatapnya menyerang dirinya sendiri. Dan dia berkata akan membalaskan dendamnya pada Rion?! Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi?

  • A Royal Princess with Black Hair

    Pernikahan paksa antar keluarga kerajaan membuat pasangan putri dan putra mahkota yang ingin cepat bercerai.
    Apakah akhirnya tujuan mereka akan tetap bercerai, atau justru tetap saling cinta…?!




    A Royal Princess with Black Hair

    Pang-e / Ellianyang

    Pernikahan paksa antar keluarga kerajaan membuat pasangan putri dan putra mahkota yang ingin cepat bercerai.
    Apakah akhirnya tujuan mereka akan tetap bercerai, atau justru tetap saling cinta…?!


  • like11.5M


    What would you sacrifice to save your family? How far would you go to protect your people? For Clove, the last princess of a near-extinct Dragon clan, the answer is the unthinkable: MARRY your greatest sworn enemy in an effort to bring peace to your land.

  • like7.8M


    Meet Gwendolyn – living proof that princesses don’t always have it all. See, although she lives in a castle and her father is the King, Gwendolyn isn’t like a movie princess, or even a fairly-tale princess. She’s got a big heart, but isn’t particularly attractive and doesn’t have a Disney-quality singing voice. But one night, she accidentally stumbles upon the twisted world of the Cursed Princess Club, and her life will never be the same. Hexed and cast out, the ladies of the club are just the people Gwendolyn needs to show her that just because she doesn’t “fit the mold” does not mean she’s any less of a princess.

  • like5.4M


    Edith is not your typical heroine. She struggles with her confidence, her morals, and life in general by not only holding herself to high standards, but her men as well. Enter two less-than-perfect men: one who may be the Prince Charming she’s been waiting for to deliver a fairy tale ending, the other a brash reality check who does NOT believe in happily-ever-after. What will Edith do? Will she sacrifice her standards? Or keep searching for that mythical white knight who may or may not exist in the first place? Funny, messy and sexy, Edith’s journey is relatable to anyone who’s ever left their heart on the battlefield of the dating world.

  • Sweet Home

    After an unexpected family tragedy, a reclusive high school student is forced to leave his home — only to face something much scarier: a reality where monsters are trying to wipe out humanity. Now he must fight alongside a handful of reluctant heroes to try and save the world before it’s too late.



    Sweet Home

    Youngchan Hwang / Carnby Kim

    After an unexpected family tragedy, a reclusive high school student is forced to leave his home — only to face something much scarier: a reality where monsters are trying to wipe out humanity. Now he must fight alongside a handful of reluctant heroes to try and save the world before it’s too late.

  • like834,486


    A ditsy university student Mew finds a lost student card. Instead of doing the sensible thing, Mew decides to let fate take the wheel and try something silly. Little did she know, she would be confronting the owner of the card, Daze who has some things to say about what she did. Did Mew make the biggest mistake of her life? or the best decision of her life? Follow these two adorable goofballs to find out!

  • like35.7M


    Slice of life

    Having a boyfriend who’s a full foot taller than you might seem adorable at first, but it usually just ends up causing a whole bunch of minor inconveniences. Follow Fishball as she navigates the Malaysian life with her 6’5″ geeky boyfriend.

  • like1.1M


    «What can I do to get closer to you?» Today, just like yesterday, Yohan Do is watching.

  • like606,949


    Ex-idol trainee Kiyu has lived his whole life adored by everyone for his good looks. But he dreams of ordinary high school life, so when he puts on glasses to blend in with his peers, he finds that making friends is a lot harder when you don’t have your looks to fall back on. Not to mention he’s also socially awkward, his new seatmate has a permanent scowl on her face, and his fans have tracked him down at his new school.

  • The Doctors are Out




    The Doctors are Out


    The beloved Dr. Matias Guevara tends to his patients in his little neighborhood health clinic, unaware that Dr. Fernando Guevera opened his new veterinary clinic right next door! With their patients confused and their tolerance running thin, the two grown men constantly bicker and compete! Will their similar names and professions cause their rivalry to go untreated, or will they heal each others broken hearts?!


  • like11.5M


    What would you sacrifice to save your family? How far would you go to protect your people? For Clove, the last princess of a near-extinct Dragon clan, the answer is the unthinkable: MARRY your greatest sworn enemy in an effort to bring peace to your land.

  • like7.8M


    Meet Gwendolyn – living proof that princesses don’t always have it all. See, although she lives in a castle and her father is the King, Gwendolyn isn’t like a movie princess, or even a fairly-tale princess. She’s got a big heart, but isn’t particularly attractive and doesn’t have a Disney-quality singing voice. But one night, she accidentally stumbles upon the twisted world of the Cursed Princess Club, and her life will never be the same. Hexed and cast out, the ladies of the club are just the people Gwendolyn needs to show her that just because she doesn’t “fit the mold” does not mean she’s any less of a princess.

  • like5.4M


    Edith is not your typical heroine. She struggles with her confidence, her morals, and life in general by not only holding herself to high standards, but her men as well. Enter two less-than-perfect men: one who may be the Prince Charming she’s been waiting for to deliver a fairy tale ending, the other a brash reality check who does NOT believe in happily-ever-after. What will Edith do? Will she sacrifice her standards? Or keep searching for that mythical white knight who may or may not exist in the first place? Funny, messy and sexy, Edith’s journey is relatable to anyone who’s ever left their heart on the battlefield of the dating world.

  • Sweet Home

    After an unexpected family tragedy, a reclusive high school student is forced to leave his home — only to face something much scarier: a reality where monsters are trying to wipe out humanity. Now he must fight alongside a handful of reluctant heroes to try and save the world before it’s too late.



    Sweet Home

    Youngchan Hwang / Carnby Kim

    After an unexpected family tragedy, a reclusive high school student is forced to leave his home — only to face something much scarier: a reality where monsters are trying to wipe out humanity. Now he must fight alongside a handful of reluctant heroes to try and save the world before it’s too late.

  • like834,486


    A ditsy university student Mew finds a lost student card. Instead of doing the sensible thing, Mew decides to let fate take the wheel and try something silly. Little did she know, she would be confronting the owner of the card, Daze who has some things to say about what she did. Did Mew make the biggest mistake of her life? or the best decision of her life? Follow these two adorable goofballs to find out!

  • like35.7M


    Slice of life

    Having a boyfriend who’s a full foot taller than you might seem adorable at first, but it usually just ends up causing a whole bunch of minor inconveniences. Follow Fishball as she navigates the Malaysian life with her 6’5″ geeky boyfriend.

  • like1.1M


    «What can I do to get closer to you?» Today, just like yesterday, Yohan Do is watching.

  • like606,949


    Ex-idol trainee Kiyu has lived his whole life adored by everyone for his good looks. But he dreams of ordinary high school life, so when he puts on glasses to blend in with his peers, he finds that making friends is a lot harder when you don’t have your looks to fall back on. Not to mention he’s also socially awkward, his new seatmate has a permanent scowl on her face, and his fans have tracked him down at his new school.

  • The Doctors are Out




    The Doctors are Out


    The beloved Dr. Matias Guevara tends to his patients in his little neighborhood health clinic, unaware that Dr. Fernando Guevera opened his new veterinary clinic right next door! With their patients confused and their tolerance running thin, the two grown men constantly bicker and compete! Will their similar names and professions cause their rivalry to go untreated, or will they heal each others broken hearts?!

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